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Historical Research Archive



Video.1 OpenHappiness on Vimeo

During my undergraduate study, I’ve conducted a series historical research applying the advanced technology.Procedural modeling for Dun Huang grotto, a commercial exhibition involving revision and 3d painting of architectures in Wall Painting.Laser-scanning, point cloud modeling and diming for Kaihua Temple, a paid lab research project conducted under supervision of Prof. Li Luke, responsible for complex modeling, analysis and calculation.

Quadcopter based photo modeling and procedural modeling for Youxian Temple, studio project under directing of Prof. Liu Chang, responsible for modeling, parametric drawing and calculation.

All of the three projects are highly credited. And although I’ve left the historical research community, those experience are priceless to me, for the method and procedures learned, also for the value created.


Gallery.1 OpenHappiness on Research Gallery [Click to Zoom]

Date: 2015.06-2016.10
Lab: Dunhuang Research Center; Department of History and Preservance, Tsinghua University
Responsiblility: Research, study and revision of the Wall Paintings, reconstruct the model, 3D Printing 
Pictures Credits: Weibo: Mogaoku, Zhou Zhenru, l

《1650——文明的回响》纪念展亮相敦煌莫高窟. GOV.COM | The Offical News Site of the Chinese Government
《1650——文明的回响》亮相敦煌 |,People's Newspaper and Feng, the single biggest Newspaper and two of the biggest formal web news  media in China
百余精美壁画“穿越”千年追述莫高窟沧桑变迁 |, one of the most popular web news in China

by SOCK XU.  Last Push : 2019.01.07

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