Tangible User Interface Study
Video.1 A TUIO based Tangible Application
Video.2 A TUIO based Tangible Game
As the development of Human Computer Interface(HCI), the meaning problem has been an issue for users and designer. One most important rule in UI design is about how to make the layout and shapes follow the instinct of the users, despite their cultural context and education background. While form a diachronic perspective, the simple and classic “play button” would mean very differently in our generation compared with those born in 1960s. While the virtual button has inherited the property of its physical counterpart.
The concept of TUIO has harsh the debate onto another level. While the virtual objects containing a specific meaning in our daily life are assigned an alternative meaning or mission with the assistant of computer, enabling the interaction between people and those new objects. It’s pretty much safe to say that the general conception and perception of people towards object would have changed revolutionarily in the generation when tangible interaction had been prevalent in our society.
Gallery.1 Tangible User Interface Gallery [Click to Zoom]