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Doodle about doodle: 01

This is the Reading Response of Sketching: the Visual Thinking Power Tool and The Miseducation of the Doodle. This series is also homework journal for NYU DM-GY 6053 Section D: Reading Response

Doodling on margin of textbook is the childhood memory most Chinese artists and designers share. Remembering that we are not standard good student, could not solve math problem, fail on traditional Chinese and hate English.

Another important aspect to this mutual memeroy is, a sense of evil fun. At least for me, born in a family both parents are engineer, doodling is a sign of deviation. An escapse from the life target other people set for me, a production of digression of mind. In early 2000, textbook filled with doodle is as cool as tribute tatoo in primary school. I have my own very private tool for sketch. I usually draw with LAMY Fine point and Canson notebook.

I sketch something to tell the story between sketch and me.

I believe there are tons of benefits about sketch. For designers, sketch is the best tool to think, modify and expand their blue print.

For scientist, sketch is for quick, intuitive calculation. For artist and poetic, sketch are mean to capture the instant inspiration.

I do sketch for capturing crap. Like for many of us, sketch for me is a method of exploration, a treasure hunting.

The only difference is, some one is looking for a beautiful shell on a beach (Isaac Newton).

Some one is looking for the code of God and Truth (Leonardo da Vinci).

For me...

I was a lonely, weird little kid.

I imagine there is a tresure inside sand pit. So I dig, dig and dig.

Suddenly, I found something, a perfect sphere, cover by sand, soft and warm: a piece of crap.

I felt falling into the universe of crap.

Everything rotate around a giant tolite. Over earth is the warm, cute little piece of crap.

Like in Chinese culture, Yin and Yang is always together, generates everything in the world, just like pee and poop.

That is what in my head, that is why I draw, about crap.

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