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Pre-thesis Week 1: Initial Idea

Tongda Xu

I am thinking about building a GUI toolkit for computational graph. A computatoal graph is a directed acyclic graph that can be used to conduct computing by separating the elements.

The major applications are graph inference model and neural networks.

A graphic user interface for computational graph can make the constuction and visualization of graph less intimating to artists and designers, who were mostly excluded from this programming demanding community.

My Skills

I have a good quantitative background, include formal coursework in:

Linear Algebra, Optimizatoin, Calculus, Machine Learning

I have been doing research using deep learning for one year.

I have publishing record in both ACM DL and IEEE Xplore.

My Community

Currently I am a graduate assistant in Video Lab. It is a research lab in ECE Department with around 10 phd candidate and 10 master students. My adviser here is Dr Yao Wang, an IEEE Fellow since 2002 and a new associate dean for Tandon.

And one of our major mission is working with deep learning. Everyone now who want to work with 3d vision should be at least familiar with computation graph!

I also firmly believe that a lot of students in IDM or ITP are excited to work with deep learning so long as the technical bar is not high as now.

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by SOCK XU.  Last Push : 2019.01.07

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