Tongda Xu
I am attempting to figure out a detailed topic of my research since I have not got a chance to talk with the people in the project. The general idea is segmentation and understanding the storyboard of video. Identifying the point that the scene shift, which can mean a lot to offline video encoding since a static scene can be decomposed into the sum of a low rank matrix and a sparse matrix. It is super meaningful when streaming the video for online viewing, and also a good aid to designers.
Currently I am busy submitting a manuscript to IEEE ISBI 2020 and have not start to work on this now but I will as soon as this is done.
Research Approach:
Prototype Driven - making a prototype, test and improve
Source of Secondary Research: I have not started a literature review but I'll provide a bibtex for all possibile sources
Research Topic
I want to study and make:
1. a way for automatic video scene segmentation
2. storyboard generation and tagging, if possible
because I want to find out:
1. algrithom for better compression
2. improvement of scene segmentation for programmers who do network streaming
by working with:
1. people who control the network flow in backend
2. people who wathch online video
In order to:
1. improving the experience for online video streaming
2. relief burden of network server