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Reading response of Steal Like An Artist and Newspaper Deconstruction

Updated: Sep 17, 2018

This is the Reading Response of Steal Like An Artist, and a deconstruction of Newspaper. This series is also homework for NYU DM-GY 6053 Section D: Steal Like An Artist

"Steal Like An Artist" (SLAA) could be regard as a modern version of guidance of classical painting learning or literature introduction in the Internet age. The real difference between our age and the age when T.S. Eliot wrote "Tradition and Individual Talent" is the amount of Information we could gather and the time of that gathering information could take.

It is this speed up and amount boom lead to a paradigm shift of "how to steal like an artist". Else It is not hard to imagine why SLAA method could easily be regarded as joke compared with vast years tradition of art and creation acquisition. Since even Da Vici himself could not give a better advice in an Internet age.

The most interesting part of SLAA is that it is indeed a "Information age" survival guidance for "classic artist"

The only reason that only contemporary artist could do this is because before Internet age the artist could not "copy" so easily. A specific avant-grade art movement, like cubism, constructionism or beast, had a specific, only physically accessible group. The only way that an old age artist could join them is to join them physically. Imagine the "tea talk" organized by Virginia Woolf. By that time every artist physically know each other, this is important:

"Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Arthur William Russel are friends in Cambridge University, both of them know John Maynard Keynes in Cambridge. While Keynes was the lover of Virginia Woolf, who refused his engage and keep a long term relationship with James Joyce, and also a closed friend with T.S. Eliot and not a so closed friend with Sigmund Freud. From Freud we could find CG Jung, Karen Danielsen Horney and a series of scholars, creators. The point is they are physically connected with each other."

Imagine when the relation of Michel Foucault and Jean-Paul Sartre break, they stop meeting each other, stop spending afternoon together. But now they may just "Dis-friend" each other in Facebook.

The old school apprenticeship is decomposing. The students used to steal directly from their tutors, and that is absolutely justified. But now they have choices to access the materials digitally, and all the references are not hidden exclusively in the museum or storage of a famous person, they are more accessible than ever. That is all that make the theory in SLAA reasonable and different from the learning method a thousand year age.

Inside Bobst Lib I found the newspaper collection, it looks so cool.

Such a old school method for reading newspaper.

Sonnet: A placenta freezer (Steal from Wall Street Journal)

A placenta freezer in Canda

Did not require infection had a name,

Would appear stacked with nurses secret creams,

Age-related moisturizer view beauty provides fetus placenta

Uterine get deep aggressive bury about eating colonized bacteria

Infection teeming with pathogenic have sex only in stress

Grass digest stomach although it suggested:

"Modern medicine, ancient practice, biologically implausible as

Ancient bunch pre-industrialized squashed midwifery fashion"

Unclear literature refers to rolling stone steams

Logical nutritional medicines apparently prevent drowning

Cauls shining spurred Trojan recommendation

Anecdotes promise lure fatigue and breast postpartum

Cooking encapsulated dehydrate for hazard sparse concerning

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