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Reading Response to Ira Glass on Storytelling

This is the reading response to Ira Glass's on Storytelling. This is also homework for NYU DM-GY 6053 Section D: Reading Response.

From "I married a strange person"

"Good taste is the enemy of creativity" -Pablo Picasso


One of the intriguing aspect of Ira's speech is his idea of taste. He argues that as learner, the taste always matures first than hands. So once one reaches the situation that her taste has grown mature but produces crap, it is very easy to give up. So he encourages creators to ignore taste when making attempts.

In fact, the taste issue is more profound than personal growth. It is one major shift that artists abandon the classic, detach from neo-classic and finally fly to modernism during 1920s. Major creator like Le Corbusier encourage architects learn from engineer, abandon their banal taste. And critic as Walter Benjamin writes article about the iron Arcade in Paris instead of fascinating classical palace.

Many critic agrees that during the Renaissance the ultimate beauty has been reached and the whole creation is not a pursuit of classical beauty: Symmetric, Rhythm and Coordination. But a pursuit of ugly: Excessive stimulation, Extreme view point and so on. The modern art has collectively abandoned aesthetic value since photography is invented and convert to ugliness. Since the limit of beauty is already reached while the lower bond of ugliness is limitless.

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