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Research for Future Dystopia / Utopia Project

What is the future of understanding?

Upload the brain and share a data-base?

The Project LietoMe I do for emotion based telepathy

Text based?

Sound based?

I was in Media Theory class, and talk about racist and queer theory which make me feel painful. I believe if there could be enough time and enough intelligence people should be able to understand each other and collaborate to achieve anything (Well Babel Tower).

Racist: Why we have racist in the world?

Because we could not understand each other well.

Understanding: Why we could not understand each other?

We could not communicate with each other efficiently. (For Babel Tower, is the language isolation)

Communication: Why we need language?

Because we need to communicate. To exchange information.

Information: Why we need to exchange information with other?

We do not know what other people know and do not hold the background context of other people. Having no same idea even on a lexicon level.

Why could not we share vast amount of information?

Band width problem: by speaking/texting fast, we could send data with limited bandwidth.

Checking International Phonetic Alphabet: not too many options!

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