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Research for Future Dystopia / Utopia Project Phase 2

Project PocketGod

2015: Jonathan Petersen published his comment: Bible Apps in Church: Good or Bad Idea?


In a foreseeable future, super-computer and reinforcement learning algorithm would outwit human being for the first time. Algorithm and trained agent could make anticipation and generate answer to questions which human could not solved before.

Computer is our new god.

Fake the history: news-paper, research publication, photo of keynote, announcement

Time line:

1980: Richard S. Sutton proposed Reinforcement learning method

2009: Feifei released The ImageNet project in CVPR 2009

2018: Anthony Cuthbertson reports, 'Human Brain' Supercomputer Switched On to Unlock Secrets of the Mind

2024: Computer Scientist in GIT release major breakthrough in deep reinforcement learning.

2025: Confession App based on large scale LSTM

2027: Church started to be removed and rebuilt into Apple Stores.

2030: Nivida released its new data center, performing faster than the sum of every people in the world

Prototype proposed:

Siri God/ Siri Demon

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